quarta-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2021

Best practices for your company - Smart Costs Reductions - Brazil Finance Consultant

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Receiving new projects for 2021.
Best Practices in your business
M&A support including Due Diligencies
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Supporting International Branches in Brazil

Supporting International Branchs in Brazil Ex Henkel, Mauser, Wacker and Battenfeld

Management, Ethics and Leadership - Blog do Prof. Ari Lopes

Leadership and Professional Posture, Sales and Marketing, Business and Professional Ethics. Business Controllership. Costs management. Advanced cost systems (ABC / ABM, Standard, CMS), Factory Control, Results Management, Business Plan, Working Capital Management. Company Valuation, Acquisitions and Mergers, "Due Diligencies", Restructuring Plans, Change Management, Cost Reduction Plan

Resources for the operation of Controllership area

Resources for the operation of Controllership area

 This post is based on the eBook Papo de Controller.

Resources necessary for the operation of the Controllership

In order to define the resources that the Controllership will have, one must always consider:

  • the size of the company;         
  • the degree of professionalization of the governing body;
  • Financial availability;
  • other indicators or particularities of the company.


Like other areas, Controllership requires resources for its operation.

They are as follows:         

1- Human Resources

 –Privileging  quality over quantity. Assess whether it is worth outsourcing with working with external companies on demand;

- Evaluationto formal and the Controllership team's permanent status must occur.  Feed back must be provided to employees. Plansimproving productivity and processes must be constantly prepared and monitored;

- I always preferred to develop functionalfrom admission as an intern or auxiliary. Several of them aretoday they are not in management positions and even in the board.

2- Technological Resources

 THEutomation, technological update, including computer resources (  software and hardware  ). Before determining the acquisition of one or another resource, a thorough feasibility analysis must be carried out, seeking market references and developing implementation projects;

- Analysis of the resources of the The Controllership area must assess not only the needs but whether the available resources are being used properly. It is very common for software resources to be used partially and with many deficiencies. Optimizing the use of integrated systems is one of Controllership's most important missions.


- Structure features

 - location, facilities, etc . Companies must work optimally, avoiding low utilization or even idle resources.

- Controllership must always keep an eye on the cost of necessary structural resourcesnot only in area but also in the entire company.

Resources can include rentals, condominiums, maintenance, etc. Alsothe necessary “utilities” are included to maintain the necessary structure. Utilities include: energy, gasace, water, and whatever else is needed.

- Resourcesin training

- training, career plan,  Job Rotation

The resources that involve the training of human capital are among the most important and must be coordinated by a competent HR area under the coordination of an effective management.

For employees in the area, computer knowledge is essential, especially spreadsheetsExcel calculation where advanced knowledge is desirable.

I prefer to teach Controllership to people who bring some knowledge and skill in Informthan teaching computer science to those who know little about the area.

But Inform's knowledgeAttica is not enough it is necessary to have logical reasoning to be able to put computer knowledge into practice.

In due course I will include this eBook some texts specifically on the use of

Excel by employees of the Controllership area.

Whenever it worksContraries in the Controllership area undergo training, even if they are internal to the company, it is recommended that such training be noted and incorporatedof the employee. The ideal would be to have the information shared by HR informing the amount of training hours that each employee has had.


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Soon I will launch the training course in Strategic Controlling, if you are interested send an email as the places are limited.

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Business executive, Consultant, Speaker University professor in MBA and Undergraduate courses.

Master in Finance and Accounting from PUC / SP with Master's Thesis: System of Maintenance Costs for Industrial Companies approved with maximum score.
Specialist in Cost Reduction, Planning, Management and Strategy for Companies and Leadership. 
Vegetarian and animal activist. 

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